Climate Controlled Storage in Seattle


The Seattle climate controlled is largely temperate. The city experiences around 150 days of precipitation, which is considered normal. Seattle also experiences only a few days of extreme weather, such as snowfall. However, the city does experience frequent, light rain. Rainfall amounts during the summer months are lower than those in other U.S. cities, and light rain falls over a long period of time.

It Is Important To Double-check The Temperature

The climate in Seattle is moderated by the presence of the Pacific Ocean, Puget Sound, and Lake Washington. This climate makes Seattle milder than inland areas in winter and cooler in summer. Unlike in many other parts of the United States, Seattle rarely experiences cold waves. However, the Fraser Valley in British Columbia generates extreme cold temperatures.

Climate-controlled storage is essential for preserving your valuable possessions from extreme temperatures. It reduces the risks of flooding and pest infestation. Temperatures in climate-controlled storage facilities are maintained between 55 degrees and 85 degrees. Each company has its own definition of climate-controlled storage, so it is important to double-check the temperature range before renting.

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